Blazor examples reddit. NET 8 content with all the new render mode stuff in there and there is a new Raccoon on the cover (two actually). NET 8 I'm wondering how to handle API calls when using both server and WASM? The initial solution has the server project and the . We are using the Telerik Blazor components for some of the site. Approximately 98% of the programming code is the same for all 6 platforms. It doesn’t really matter. I want to see how it is structured to act seamlessly without messy code For example a profile screen that the user can upload or take a new picture with their phone. Components - RCL for our reusable Blazor Components & pages Shared - Shared services, Request & response DTOs, helper methods etc. I'll do Blazor Server if that's what it takes to get paid. Now in net8 through a specific template called Blazor WebApp you can mix the two, SSR initially through blazor server then autoswitch to Blazor Wasm when ready. Foreword by Steve Sanderson. I've been using telerik for blazor since it came out, but they have fallen on their face with this . After doing lots of research, I chose MudBlazor as the Blazor component library for my new project because of its great reputation on these boards and its clean looks and design principles. Blazor codebase containing real world examples (CRUD, auth, advanced patterns, etc) that adheres to the RealWorld spec and API. Just wanted to show off our latest work in Blazor, which frequently gets the "is it ready for production?" question. Did the same in the wasm app and got a web app. NET 7. I have used Ant Design Blazor charts and have liked them so far. you can easily find a well polished library with a quick google search. But if they’re mobiles on a poor 3G connection in a country not well served by Azure, the responsiveness of the app will suffer. I can throw up an example tomorrow if needed. Hey there, I am the developer behind KlipTok. Also don't forget to evaluate JIT vs AOT compilation. I have a good understanding of IL Trimming in net 6, but I still find myself struggling to publish a working build with link level trimming enabled on my WASM app. And also, on many occasions I may need to use one token over the other, especially for coloring a panel, etc. When one tries to look up some tutorial on how to do JWT in Blazor WASM, there are a lot of tutorials too. Also Tailwind normally uses npm and I tend to avoid that in Blazor projects. Blazor sample apps provide a good starting point when building a new Blazor Server/WebAssembly project (especially for the first time). You can try the Nevron Blazor Component suite, which includes an advanced Chart, Grid, Diagram, Scheduler, Rich Text Editor, and hundreds of UI controls (the UI controls are free). Therefore the most sane way is Blazor Wasm. net) I just thought it would be great to share it with you. JWT is among (if not the) most popular SPA authentication solution. All new . Blazor lets you build interactive web UIs using C# instead of JavaScript. This likely uses pre-rendering as the first load is super fast but I see the network tab is still downloading the blazor runtime. My department is looking for real world examples of actual real world (not weather forecast /counter pages) maui blazor hybrid where blazor looks web and maui looks like a native app. Yes, it is the Blazor server and for some people, it can be slower if they are further away from the data center. In corporate intranet scenarios, this is not a high risk. ) The shortcomings for client side blazor are common to that kind of application. Still though it loads fairly fast, can't wait for . Prior to the release of . As soon as you get to the code-behind, and start calling services, APIs, contexts, etc. Now imagine if they would have to download a blazor wasm app that downloads 10+ megabyte and completely blocks the rendering until fully bootstrapped. NET 8 or later) Blazor Server (. NET API, but at the cost of not-so-good-looking design. Yeah, I don't get this comparison. I have looked into this problem of yours and hope you refer to the new Blazor Web App template, so I tried many times to get connected to Okta with OpenId Connect. A Blazor Server application (for example, hosted on Azure) should work just fine for clients connected through a fiber connection at their place of business. I want to learn Blazor and just from watching the dotnet conf about it, it seems similar to NextJs in some ways which I have used a lot. Running C# in the browser is still the holy grail, the ultimate prize. Not saying the updates are bad but they happen quickly and often. reddit. NET MAUI Blazor Apps section here has a quick start that got me up and running with it. runtime: you can either use Blazor WASM to run it straight in your browser, but that comes with performance penalties and various limitations (for example, debugging is far more limited, and some . Join the community and come discuss games like Codenames, Wingspan, Brass, and all your other favorite games! Microsoft is pushing blazor for people that want the kind of highly dynamic/interactive web applications that people are doing now with heavy client frameworks (react, angular, etc. Note that it's not for auto or WebAssembly. That's no longer Blazor. Both client and server code is written in C#, allowing you to share code and libraries. Net 8 Blazor features. Blazor Web App (. To answer your question, what you see in any MudBlazor, Radzen, Fluent UI, etc example site is what you could do in a hybrid desktop app. But coming from Razor pages/MVC which mostly use standard HTML tags for the main layouts/containers, plus CSS markups with Bootstrap, the page layouts of There's also the issue of fewer online code samples for Blazor, lack of compatibility with other JS implementations (such as if your application also has a React Native client for example), and that sort of thing. My question is how do I get started, the docs from what I've seen are kind of underwhelming and the example tutorial doesn't seem like it hammers in on any of the new . When a button is clicked the edit index is changed on the page that instantiates the QuickGrid and the edit item template is toggled. Because, there's only so much you can do with the UI. NET APIs aren't implemented); or you can use Blazor Server and (here's where things get quite Web Forms-like) basically stream UI events between the I've created a sample for Blazor . The vast majority of tutorials you see, for Blazor, will only use Blazor a very small amount. Net 6's improvements in store for Blazor. Atm the colorpicker just takes the MaterialColors in the dropdown grid, but that is not a real limitation, i just need to make the textfield take my Hex,RGBA,RGB with some nice validation. But what advantages does it have over the latest Blazor Server, which can do similar things? I've seen examples of using the Endpoints+Blazor components+HTMX API, but I'm not sure in which cases to use it. Thats for WPF webview u/op is asking for the new maui blazor tech that just release in preview 4 (One true tech stack to rule them all, now with html/css!). I looked through here and they don't have a list of websites using Blazor. Not to say that I don't love WASM, but there have to be specific reasons to use it. TLDR is you can now do initial render with blazor server and then auto switch to blazor wasm. . It uses SignalR as the signaling channel, and has two different styles of implementation in the js. When one plans to build a Blazor WASM application and comes accross the authentication part, there are tons of solutions to go. On day one of . Ant design had good documentation and examples too and is free. Is an effective solution. net 8 release their TelerikRootComponent has broken the new multiple rendermode version their "workaround" is to use a new layout component file for every single page which will re-render / execute each page everytime big problem Example app: Blazor WebAssembly, WebRTC, SignalR, and Coturn server for Turn/Stun. I want to include a mud blazor grid from my shared library into my maui xaml but it either doesn't load or just makes the app go crazy. Very minimal coding. If you go that route don't forget to evaluate if you want it to be standalone or aspnetcore hosted. There are a few other Azure services in use, and I'm striving to make it a good example site of what you can do with a 'pure Blazor' application. Keeping up with the LTS for enterprise projects is cumbersome when change costs money and business wants to keep adding new features than pay for updates / tech debt. The effect is that the child is a dialog that can be shown by an @onclick event in the parent, and the parent refreshes its view via the callback it passed to the child. The best of Blazor can be achieved with NET8 and the template called "Blazor Web App". For example, Radzen's data grid component had way more features than other data grids. Showing Server-side rendering, Streaming rendering, Server components and WebAssembly components. Does anyone have any example trimmer descriptor XML files that seem optimized specifically for Blazor WASM? In Radzen, for example, there are a ton of CSS variables that can be set with custom values to override the ones it came with, and that's more or less what I was looking for with these design tokens. NET 8 (and later releases), the sample apps for Blazor Web App and Blazor WebAssembly both supply snippets to articles and are fully working demonstration sample apps. It was already good, now is just better. What's the state of Blazor development and tooling on Linux or Mac? - The ecosystem and investment is very small compared React/Angular/Vue/etc. Posted by u/Parakoopa - 1 vote and 2 comments HTMX is a great technology. Both sharing the same rcl. I mean the main reason is data binding in blazor is as expected, while it’s quite bad with razor. My tip to getting it running is to keep running maui-check until everything is green. There might be some of you who have already heard of this component library, but for the others who didn't, It is a good looking UI library created by Microsoft, it works Great with the new Blazor in . You can find more information here: Nevron Open Vision Home. I am looking for a github repo or anything that shows a Maui App with native mobile screens then also screens that are using Blazor Webview. I used Radzen components to build a data entry & display heavy application - which seems to be Radzen's strong suit. Sep 4, 2024 · For the release of . for frontend use: React or Blazor WASM, but definitely not Blazor server. Server-side blazor is kind of its own thing. That problem is reduced with Blazor. The . KlipTok was built completely with C# and Azure Static Websites. cs I added a parameter called EditIndex. It's a great bridge from the past to the present. Nice! Official production use from MS using Blazor, that's a really good sign on their confidence of the product. I have bene heavily advocating for blazor in my company and successfully deployed 3 public facing blazor server applications so far. Like transitioning from ngModules to standalone for example. Our Open Source project, Valour, has been live since Blazor's infancy - and as someone who uses React in my day job, I far prefer working with Blazor components. With the new Blazor Web App project in . How to create abstractions for data services in a way that they work on both Server and Client (WebAssembly). This tutorial was written from a rage-impulse. NET 8. In contrast to webforms, MVC for example is still around and continues to evolve and improve. In one way or another. I got Azure B2C authentication working by following/altering this post: https://www. The #1 Reddit source for news, information, and discussion about modern board games and board game culture. I was able to create a razor library and structure it the same way as a blazor wasm app and just add it to my Maui project as an additional assembly in the router and got a mobile app. I hope this is useful. NET Framework, with Visual Studio, on Windows. Blazor snippet sample apps. razor. They can be used in various scenarios after adjusting and customizing them to match your specific needs. com/r/Blazor/comments/181av20/comment/kaew0i8/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button. In QuickGrid. Blazor Wasm + Web API (to do server side operations) I developed and published a habit tracker app that is free to use on 6 platforms: Web browser, Windows, Linux, Android, iOS and macOS. client project. Live Blazor examples can be viewed at: Live Blazor Examples. Many of the components in the snippet sample apps compile and run if copied to a local test app. I've read through some third party sites. Mar 28, 2024 · 3 Blazor App Examples You Can Use Right Away. Question #1: Do you think that we will hit roadblocks and angry users from around the world? Looking for got examples for Unit testing With Bunit, justmock and telerik UI I have some time to spare and wanted to try my hand at unit testing the blazor app I made for work. Blazor Maui. I have a Blazor Web App with global Auto interactivity. It works beautifully Can anyone link some examples of web applications built with Blazor WebAssembly? Are any companies using Blazor yet for production applications with large user bases? ----- I am working on a web application which will need to be globally accessible with UI low-latency to a large user base. In line hymn and blazor built in components are really great too. I couldn't find a good example of WebRTC with Blazor WebAssembly, so I created this app as an example. The Reddit SPA downloads like 1,5 megabytes of JS and people already crying about it. We plan to launch our MVP products using Blazor Server, then later re-write them in Angular, Vue or React. I can't share my project jet because it is not finished, but I am building an internal app, that is Blazor wasm PWA hosted with web api, Azure auth, Mudblazor component library, QR code scanning, Google maps and so on Blazor is just one way to display information to a user, and have them interact with it. Blazor apps are composed of reusable web UI components implemented using C#, HTML, and CSS. But the internet is a different beast altogether. All the other popular free Blazor component suites (eg MudBlazor, etc) seem to be more focused on "general" web applications. NET. They have all the Blazor related content websites and examples; however, I'm looking for actual products using Blazor in the wild. For example, if it is an app where it is important to be open all day and the user is entering lots of data, then WASM might be the right choice. Yes now we have SSR in some of the usual JS frameworks, but most things happens client side. Meanwhile in Vue, React, etc. More information on the official Blazor website. cs. - Webforms only works with . NET 8, here it is : Fluent UI Blazor components (fluentui-blazor. We're currently finishing some new features like auto-generated issues and user links in comments, emoji reactions, user pages, avatar images, and more. Note: I work for Nevron. You can swap between one and the other at run time if you want to. Also, you can write all your UI as Blazor components and they will work in WASM, Server, the “both “ scenario I mentioned above, can be used by other frameworks as mentioned elsewhere, and can also be embedded in a MAUI project and targeted to iOS, android, MacOS and Windows. e app. I've seen an example where the parent component renders a component (ComponentName) with @ref="ComponentName" and passes a callback. Read more about how you can now do blazor server and blazor Wasm in the same solution and activate stuff like rendermode = auto. Might not expose all the options since it would probably break the docs site in some way. Also blazor is way easier to pick up and get developers for as it’s so similar to other spa frameworks. The reason Blazor exists in the first place. The clinic administrator and doctor apps are not that fast because they use 2 big components libraries as some components weren't available on mudblazor. But Blazor Wasm feels like the future, and I find that fun. React, if you want beautiful looking website, but at the cost of development time. I was also considering using ChartJs but it appeared to be a quick port and not something that they spent a lot of time and care making (the blazor part specifically). First of all, I'm user Dependent-Fact4113, but I made a new profile here on Reddit as I could not change my nickname. You can host MudBlazor, Radzen, etc in a Blazor Hybrid app. For example I've been trying to build a Kanban board in Blazor and it's extremely difficult and basically requires a lot of JS interop. I've found that Entra External ID - CIAM is better than Azure AD B2C, especially in areas like UI customization and simplifying the addition of attributes for claims. razor, css/js files leaving only program. It consists in 3 blazor wasm apps (clinic administrator, doctor, and patient) and a blazor server app for internal management. Blazor in Action - An example-driven guide to building reusable UI components and web frontends—all with Blazor, C#, and . Yep, Blazor server is my default choice for internal apps as it cuts out so much API boilerplate and runs smoking fast. I personally use a combo of MudBlazor and Radzen in a WPF hybrid app but you could easily use a WinForms hybrid app as well. The third edition of my book Blazor book is out. A Blazor WASM example (to not be too theoretically) Some advice at the end how to decide between the flavours Since I'm relatively new to video formats, any feedback is appreciated :) I tried to make a better illustration instead of just long text postings, especially since there are people who can learn better using videos and this topic is Regarding Blazor Server: From the way your comment sounds, it sounds like Blazor Server is not production ready. NET 8 (Interactive Server - Global) and wanted to share it. They cannot be interchanged easily and do not serve the same purpose. NET, Blazor WebAssembly, and C# (1st edition published the July 9th, 2021). Yes, Blazor Server can be SEO friendly, but the big red flag for public-facing server-side blazor is that the attack surface is much larger and deeper potential vulnerabilities due to the server logic being tightly client-driven. Use Blazor WASM for lightening fast development with ASP. NET 8, snippet sample apps for Blazor Server and Blazor WebAssembly provide the code examples that appear in Blazor articles. (Manning Early Access Program Web project - Blazor WASM project, stripped down with everything moved into the components project i. Component based is obviously a huge positive in corporate programming. Even I admit blazor still has a lot do fix, starting with auto reconnection to server to Better documentation (with the advent of SSR documentation has been very confusing) to Better project templates (they removed WASM Hosted and there Is no "simple" template Having said that, my current blazor experience is quite good after I created a custom workflow for our team and some custom implementation to take the best out of what blazor has to offer. I've set up dependency injection for my web service and mocked some calls, but nothing seems to show up on the other end when I inspect the html generated (I expected I am looking for Blazor Hybrid with Maui. NET conf, David Fowler was showing . 0 or earlier) Blazor WebAssembly; Community help and support I have been putting together a sample app demonstrating patterns for building Blazor apps with . NET Aspire when he created an example Blazor project along with an API in the solution. but colors for sure. Examples of shared blazor component in maui xaml? I have a shared razor library and it isn't behaving as expected. Blazor Web App Azure B2C Authentication. For example we are using TailwindCSS so I've created custom scripts (we are using Visual Studio 2022) to include tailwind generated css in our build pipeline Blazor WebAssembly by Example - Blazor WebAssembly by Example: A project-based guide to building web apps with . Tailwind is just used for styling, while MudBlazor is a complete framework containing a large amount of web components and it's own theming specifically for Blazor. tgkpqjh dgzil rrxxdv gkalbu dazt hjhygh cbo agtl rmwick kcebjazl